Love Disabled Life

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The Importance of Disability Representation in Emojis

Sometimes it is the smallest things that can make the biggest difference. When Apple announced in March that they submitted 13 disability-specific emojis to the Unicode Consortium, the disability community rejoiced.

In today's digital world, emojis do more than just add color to our texts; they convey emotions, nuances, and, importantly, represent the diversity of human experience. The advent of disability emojis on our devices is a watershed moment in digital inclusivity, offering people with disabilities symbols that reflect their lives. But the path to this moment was not instantaneous—it was the culmination of advocacy, collaboration, and a deep commitment to diversity.

Recognizing a gap in the emoji keyboard, Apple collaborated with several organizations, including the American Council of the Blind, the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, and the National Association of the Deaf, to develop a proposal for the Unicode Consortium—the governing body responsible for emoji standards worldwide.

This proposal was not just about adding new icons; it was a statement on the importance of representation in every sphere of life, including our digital interactions. The proposed emojis included a range of disabilities, encompassing visual and hearing impairments, physical disabilities, and hidden disabilities such as autism. In 2019, the Unicode Consortium approved the proposal, leading to the creation of 13 new emojis, including a guide dog, an ear with a hearing aid, wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, and more.

"Currently, emojis provide a wide range of options, but may not represent the experiences of those with disabilities," Apple wrote in the proposal. "Diversifying the options available helps fill a significant gap and provides a more inclusive experience for all."

As we often say in the disabled community: it's about (damn) time!

Introducing a set of emojis representing disability may seem like a very insignificant gesture of inclusion. But having inclusive symbols is a big deal, especially for today's younger generation, which texts more than emails and uses emojis as an extension of the alphabet. Thirteen emojis don't encompass every type of disability that exists. Even Apple acknowledges that. But they did work with members of the disability community to be as comprehensive as they could. I think the initiative was an essential first step. As the saying goes, you have to start somewhere.

So yes, while some may consider the new emojis as a frivolous perk of digital communication, I see them as a further aspect of cultural representation for disabled people. It represents us positively and inclusively. Unfortunately, still today, media and pop culture tend to get disability so wrong. Many movies, TV shows, and books that involve disabled characters layer their stories with a narrative of weakness, stigma, and pity.

One more significant distinction about introducing the new emojis that I often think gets overlooked is how living with a disability is a neutral condition. Or, to put it another way: being disabled doesn't have to be a super-awesome-amazing-thing, nor does it have to be the most depressing-omg-I-want-to-die-thing. How about if disability JUST IS? Many times that is all we are asking for. We just want to BE.

So if there are emojis for playing soccer, cooking or clapping, or yelling, why can't there be emojis for walking with a cane, driving a wheelchair, or using sign language? It's just different colors of the same rainbow.

The Impact of Disability Emojis

The introduction of disability emojis has had a profound impact on digital communication. It has: enhanced representation, promoted inclusivity and sparked conversations.The story of disability emojis is a testament to what can be achieved when technology meets empathy and inclusivity. It's a reminder that in our increasingly digital world, we must continue to push for spaces that are inclusive of all, including those with disabilities. As we look to the future, let's carry forward the spirit of innovation and inclusivity that brought disability emojis to our keyboards.

I am very mindful of the extensive and challenging issues facing-- threatening, really-- the disability community. Everything from community care funding cuts, healthcare costs and medical bias, employment discrimination, and accessibility barriers. The new disability emojis won't solve all those problems. But at least they say, "We see you." And without being seen, solving the significant issues will make for an even steeper hill to climb.