Disability Pride: Not Just Slogans and Protest Posters

This is the question I'm asking myself: do you have a pride movement without a society asserting (in overt and subtle ways) that you have nothing to be proud of? Did the disability pride movement evolve out of a genuine place of self-love and self-acceptance? Or rather, out of protests by disabled people to prove they have worth in a world that can't begin to understand what that worth could be?

Despite being one of the largest minorities in the United States (nearly 1 in 5 people have a disability according to the 2010 U.S. Census), disabled people face some of the most egregious levels of discrimination in education, employment, access, economic opportunity, and medical treatment/diagnosis. Thus, there are many battles to be fought on the front lines of the disability rights movement. So if you are willing to fight, you better know why and for what you are fighting.


Cartoon by Crippen. It is a satirical cartoon about disabled people demanding equal treatment.

That is where disability pride comes in. Disability Pride is the open and vocal declaration, dare I say unapologetic, of one's disability identity. Those who are disabled and proud not only acknowledge they are disabled, but they embrace it as part of their being. It reflects much more of the social model of disability. The social model of disability is the construct that states disability resides in the environment and not in themselves. People who are proud to be disabled aren't looking to be cured, fixed, or appeased. Instead, they seek the same rights, access, and freedoms granted to any non-disabled person.

The Disability Pride Movement aims to change the way society as a whole thinks about and defines disability. A significant obstacle is breaking down the internalized oppression and shame that exists among many people who are disabled. Simply put: a core tenant of the Disability Pride Movement is the belief that disability is a natural and beautiful aspect of human diversity.

Disability Pride is also important because it helps fight ableism. Ableism is present throughout society and can take the form of discriminatory, condescending, rude, or abusive attitudes towards people with disabilities, leading to a lack of accessible and inclusive services and communities. 


Disabled people need to be visible in all aspects of everyday life. The more we are proudly visible, the more we will be accepted and regarded as equal citizens. Our pride comes from celebrating our history and culture and our unique experiences because we are disabled, and the contributions we can give to society because we are disabled.

Being proud and showing pride can't just happen at disability-rights protests and disability-centric rallies and celebrations. It has to happen on an individual level every day, in work-places, on the schoolyard, in church services, and in every other place where life is lived. Yes, the protests and rallies are essential and deserve focused attention. But banner-waving and poster-passion alone won't sustain our disability rights movement's goals in the fullness of time. For the long-game and lasting change, disability pride has to be a sustained whisper and not just a single roar for cultural attitudes to be significantly shifted.