Posts tagged disability pride movement
Let's Not Be Lazy; Lessons On Appropriation

Sometimes change happens in the in-between times. In the quiet moments. When you stop and listen more than you talk. I know these interactions seem few and far between these days. With social media amplifying polarizing points of view, it sometimes feels like the whole world is just screaming past each other. How can that leave room for growth, reflection, and true coalition-building?

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Disability Pride: Not Just Slogans and Protest Posters

This is the question I'm asking myself: do you have a pride movement without a society asserting (in overt and subtle ways) that you have nothing to be proud of? Did the disability pride movement evolve out of a genuine place of self-love and self-acceptance? Or rather, out of protests by disabled people to prove they have worth in a world that can't begin to understand what that worth could be?

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