Posts tagged disability pride
Milestone Events in Disability History Part Three: Education, Healthcare, Disability Pride, and Access & Transportation

From legislative victories to societal shifts, the journey of disability rights has been marked by significant milestone events. This blog post delves into disability history, highlighting the crucial moments that have contributed to the civil rights progress and empowerment of disabled people. Specific events are highlighted in the topic areas of education, healthcare, disability pride, and access & transportation.

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Decorating My Scooter Panels

Let's talk arts and crafts! Extra time being at home during the shelter-in-place periods of the pandemic gave me the time to work on some projects that had been on my to-do list for years—one of these projects combined two of my favorite things: crafting and advocacy. My idea was to customize my Pride Go-Go mobility scooter into a rolling billboard that visually expresses different advocacy and social justice themes.

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Disability Pride: Not Just Slogans and Protest Posters

This is the question I'm asking myself: do you have a pride movement without a society asserting (in overt and subtle ways) that you have nothing to be proud of? Did the disability pride movement evolve out of a genuine place of self-love and self-acceptance? Or rather, out of protests by disabled people to prove they have worth in a world that can't begin to understand what that worth could be?

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