Yes, I Love My Scooter! Thank You for Asking Me About It!

Go-Go Elite Traveler 3-Wheeled Scooter

Go-Go Elite Traveler 3-Wheeled Scooter

For all of the times I get approached in public, the one time that I mind the least is when people inquire (politely) about my mobility scooter. It happened again yesterday. I was out grocery shopping, and a woman using the motorized store cart approached me and asked where I got my scooter.

"I think I could really use one of those," she said.

"Yes, I love mine," I replied.

Go-Go Elite 3-wheel scooter

I continued to explain that the scooter I use is a Pride Go-Go Elite. I've used Pride Scooters for more than ten years now, my current one being just my second. I like the Go-Go because I think it is affordable, dependable, and reasonably portable. Indeed, they are heavy if you don't disassemble them for transport, as the battery pack itself weighs about 25 pounds. To solve this problem, I have a hoist installed in the back of my Subaru Outback. It lifts my Go-Go in and out of the rear of my car.

There are smaller and more compact scooters on the market these days. But every feature (or lack thereof) has its pros and cons, so you need to think about what you will need your scooter for and the safest option.

A Kitchen’s Kart, named after inventor, Lee Kitchens, a Little Person

When I first started using a scooter (a more compact and lightweight model I had before my Go-Go, called a Kitchen's Kart), I only used it for long distances and traveling. But now that I have gotten older (and a bit slower) and my home is fully accessible, I use my scooter for daily life activities. I do not doubt that my scooter has helped preserve my quality of life, giving me the energy to do the things I want and need to do to care for myself and my family.

So without being too "pushy" or overly "preachy," that is the message I try to convey to people who inquire about getting a scooter for themselves or a family member. Using a scooter or any mobility aid or assistive device should not be seen as any symbol of weakness or surrender. It is just a tool of independence.

Photo of a blue Kitchen’s Kart Scooter.

Kitchen’s Kart Scooter

I don't have many regrets in life, but I think about how my life might be different today had I used a scooter earlier. While I always made the best with what abilities and opportunities I had, I think my social circle would have been wider, and thus my self-confidence higher, if I could have been more integrated with my peer groups. Often, I wouldn't participate because I didn't want to feel like I was "holding the group back."

So with that said, since using a scooter, when I think about all the places I've been and things I have been able to do because of my scooter, I can't imagine not having one. I want everyone to be able to experience that same freedom, ease, and opportunity for inclusion.

If you are interested in purchasing a Go-Go, here is a link to the Pride Mobility Website, or Spinlife, a durable medical goods retailer that sells Go-Go's, in addition to other varieties of scooters as well.