Posts in Tools of Independence
Bridging Disability Inclusion Gaps Using Assistive Technology

Assistive technology and accessible devices are more than just tools; they are bridges to independence and inclusion for disabled individuals. In this blog post I explore the importance of AT as well as highlight some innovative solutions that are improving the lives of disabled people.

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Understanding the Value of Single-Use Straws for Disabled Individuals

Single-use straws often face criticism for their environmental impact, but for many disabled individuals, they're an essential tool for independence and hydration. This post delves into the nuances of the debate, highlighting why these straws are indispensable from a disabled person's perspective.

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Mobility Solution for Doing Laundry: A Wheeled Laundry Basket

One of the aspects of being part of the disability community I love the most is sharing tips and tricks on adaptive living and accommodations. Around my home, there are quite a few accessibility adaptions that Andrew and I have made to make our space functional, safe and comfortable for us to reside.

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Why I Love Mobility Grabbers as a Tool for Independence

One of the tools that my husband and I use the most around our house is our grabbers. I have to admit that I never owned one before living with him, but since he introduced me to them, I use them all the time. When you are shopping for a grabber, I recommend you consider the following features. You want a grabber with a robust aluminum frame construction.

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Yes, I Love My Scooter! Thank You for Asking Me About It!

For all of the times I get approached in public, the one time that I mind the least is when people inquire (politely) about my mobility scooter. It happened again yesterday. I was out grocery shopping, and a woman using the motorized store cart approached me and asked where I got my scooter. "I think I could really use one of those," she said. "Yes, I love mine," I replied.

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