Posts tagged disability
Yes, I Love My Scooter! Thank You for Asking Me About It!

For all of the times I get approached in public, the one time that I mind the least is when people inquire (politely) about my mobility scooter. It happened again yesterday. I was out grocery shopping, and a woman using the motorized store cart approached me and asked where I got my scooter. "I think I could really use one of those," she said. "Yes, I love mine," I replied.

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The Americans with Disabilities Act is Turning 25!

The Americans with Disabilities Act is turning 25, and it's time to celebrate! A quarter-century of civil rights legislation has allowed people with disabilities all over the country the opportunity to go to school, build careers, start families, and travel the world. Young people in the disability community today, benefiting from the hard-fought victories of the generation before them, are armored with a sense of pride and self-confidence that says,

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