Posts tagged pride mobility scooters
Decorating My Scooter Panels

Let's talk arts and crafts! Extra time being at home during the shelter-in-place periods of the pandemic gave me the time to work on some projects that had been on my to-do list for years—one of these projects combined two of my favorite things: crafting and advocacy. My idea was to customize my Pride Go-Go mobility scooter into a rolling billboard that visually expresses different advocacy and social justice themes.

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Yes, I Love My Scooter! Thank You for Asking Me About It!

For all of the times I get approached in public, the one time that I mind the least is when people inquire (politely) about my mobility scooter. It happened again yesterday. I was out grocery shopping, and a woman using the motorized store cart approached me and asked where I got my scooter. "I think I could really use one of those," she said. "Yes, I love mine," I replied.

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