Posts in Disability and the Law
The US Census Department's Recent Reversal Regarding Disability Classification

In a surprising move, the US Census Department has decided not to reclassify disability in the upcoming Census. This decision has sparked a wave of discussions and debates. What does this mean for the disabled community and for the data that guides our policies and services? Let's explore the implications and the story behind this decision.

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Understanding Tennessee v. Lane and Its Impact on the Disability Community

Explore the landmark Supreme Court case Tennessee v. Lane, where accessibility and civil rights intersect. This pivotal case addresses the enforcement of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and its implications for public accessibility. Delve into the legal arguments, the background of George Lane, and the broader impact on disability rights in the United States.

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Celebrating Progress: The 32nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Key Moments from 2022

Marking the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 2022, I list some of this year’s pivotal disability rights news, celebrating milestones and acknowledging the ongoing journey towards full inclusivity.

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Grateful Yet Impatient: The Americans with Disabilities Act Turns 31

This week marks the 31st Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Unfortunately, I am not in much of a party mood. On July 26, 1990, President George H.W. Bush declared, "Let the shameful wall of exclusion finally come tumbling down," as he signed the ADA into law, the most significant disability civil rights legislation to date. It feels like the wall is still up, however.

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Recent Changes to the Law Allowing Flying with Service Animals

In December 2020, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced changes to the Air Carrier Access Act, the law which allows service animals on airplanes. The new law limits service animals to dogs only and states that emotional service animals can no longer be considered service animals.

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Understanding the Impact of Olmstead v. L.C. and E.W.

Learn about the pivotal disability rights Supreme Court Case of Olmstead v. L.C. and E.W. Understand the legal, social, and practical outcomes of this landmark decision that said that separate is not equal when it comes to where disabled people live. SCOTUS affirmed that disabled people should have the right to live in the community of their choosing.

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A Guide to Air Travel Rights for Passengers with Disabilities

Explore the essential rights and services available to passengers with disabilities when flying. Learn about airline obligations, assistance options, and tips for a smooth travel experience under the Air Carrier Access Act and the Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights.

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IDEA: Access to Education for Disabled Children

I don't remember everything about being five years old, but I do remember kindergarten. I remember story-time and recess. I remember how much I loved to do coloring and read my first books. I also remember my mom and I going to special meetings with the principal and my teacher. Even though I didn't understand everything they were talking about, I understood enough to know these were meetings that other kids didn't have.

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Landmark Disability Rights Cases

On the 28th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, it seems appropriate to look back to some of the critical disability rights cases that the Supreme Court has ruled on since the ADA became law. If anyone tries to say that the rights for access and equality for disabled people over the last 50-60 years are permanent, immune to legal challenges or regulatory rollbacks, don't believe them because it is just not true.

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The Americans with Disabilities Act is Turning 25!

The Americans with Disabilities Act is turning 25, and it's time to celebrate! A quarter-century of civil rights legislation has allowed people with disabilities all over the country the opportunity to go to school, build careers, start families, and travel the world. Young people in the disability community today, benefiting from the hard-fought victories of the generation before them, are armored with a sense of pride and self-confidence that says,

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