Posts in Disabled Life
Addressing the Environmental Impact of Disability

Navigating through life as a disabled person comes with its unique set of challenges, but have you ever considered the environmental impact? This post unravels the layers, offering insights into how disabilities intersect with ecological concerns, shedding light on less-discussed aspects of sustainability and accessibility.

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Some Suggested New Year's Resolutions for Us Disabled Folks Too!

In this blog post I suggest a variety of New Year's resolutions that are specifically tailored to meet the goals and intentions that disabled people may have for the upcoming year. Let this list give you some ideas of things you’d like to work on, or just serve as a point of inspiration for other ideas as well.

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Five News Stories Impacting Disabled People in 2023

I thought it would be an interesting way to wrap up the year by reporting out some headlines that happened this year that affected disabled people. From small gains like more inclusive merchandise from CVS to large advocacy issues like the negative impact of climate change on disabled people, every headline has an impact.

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Actionable Tips for How to Be a Supportive Disability Ally

Today’s blog post outlines several actionable tips for how to become a supportive disability ally, making a real difference in creating an inclusive world. Learning how to be a supportive ally is about educating yourself, participating in authentic dialogue with disabled people, and supporting our community in large and small ways in your own daily life.

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A Guide for Disabled Individuals in the Workplace

The workplace can present unique challenges for disabled individuals, but with the right approach to disclosure, accommodations, and advocacy, thriving in your career is entirely possible. This guide offers insights and strategies to help navigate these challenges successfully.

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Navigating College Life: Essential Tips for Students with Disabilities

Starting college at a 4-year university far from home is an exciting adventure, especially for students with disabilities. Equip yourself with these essential tips to navigate college life confidently and make the most of your university experience.

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Some Pros and Cons of Dating When Disabled

Dating as a disabled person comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. From building deeper connections to facing societal misconceptions, this blog post delves into the pros and cons of entering the dating scene when you are disabled.

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Disability Planning for an Inclusive Holiday Event

Like it or not, all too often, it is disabled people raising the issue of inclusion. This usually happens because we know what it feels like to be excluded. Not being included or considered can happen unintentionally, even among our friends and family.

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Three Unique Tidying Strategies for Disabled People to Use When Cleaning

I'm somewhat of an organizing and productivity junkie. One of my favorites stores is The Container Store, and I love learning new tips and techniques to help my house and life run more efficiently. Sometimes, though, my disability and my energy levels on any given day can mean no matter how well I plan, plot, or research new ways to keep things tidy, my body can say, "sorry, not today." And then the messes start to pile up.

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Reflecting on "What-if" About Being Disabled, But Just for a Second

A somewhat common conversation occurs in the disability community, and it starts with the following question: if you could take a magical pill that would no longer make you disabled, would you take it? How someone answers is dependent mainly on how they feel about being disabled. Factors like where they are in their life's journey and other personal circumstances can impact their response.

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How Productivity "Morning Routines" are Inherently Ableist

I am not a morning person. I have never been. But only recently did I realize it is primarily due to my disability. Even if I wanted to be a 6 a.m. early riser, I could not sustain it. My body needs the additional hours to rest and recuperate. I need about 10-12 hours of sleep a night. If I were to try to adhere to a 6 a.m. or even 7 a.m. wake-up time, that would mean going to bed just after dinner the night before.

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Why Halloween Is Not an Inclusive Holiday for Disabled People— Or At All

No one was maybe more excited for this past Monday to be November 1st than I was. I feel this way every year because November 1st means getting past my least favorite holiday, Halloween. Let me be candid: I hate Halloween. I know that I am probably in the minority on this and I’m okay with that. It was not always this way.

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The Importance of Addressing Internalized Oppression in the Disability Rights Movement

One topic that I have wanted to discuss here on the blog for a while now is internalized oppression in disabled people. I think it is a topic that does not get talked about enough in our community, for a couple of reasons. One reason is that it can be challenging and uncomfortable. The second reason is I think it is often misunderstood.

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The Experience of Isolation as a Disabled Person

In a world that often emphasizes connectivity and inclusivity, the experience of isolation can be a profound and poignant one, particularly for individuals living with disabilities. The barriers to social engagement, physical accessibility, and even understanding can create a profound sense of loneliness that permeates many aspects of daily life.

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