Posts in Legislation and Policy
Milestone Events in Disability History Part Three: Education, Healthcare, Disability Pride, and Access & Transportation

From legislative victories to societal shifts, the journey of disability rights has been marked by significant milestone events. This blog post delves into disability history, highlighting the crucial moments that have contributed to the civil rights progress and empowerment of disabled people. Specific events are highlighted in the topic areas of education, healthcare, disability pride, and access & transportation.

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Milestone Events in Disability History Part Two: Community, Voting, and Technology

From legislative victories to societal shifts, the journey of disability rights has been marked by significant milestone events. This blog post delves into disability history, highlighting the crucial moments that have contributed to the civil rights progress and empowerment of disabled people. Specific events are highlighted in the topic areas of community, voting, and technology.

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Milestone Events in Disability History Part One: Integration, Coalition Building, and Employment

From legislative victories to societal shifts, the journey of disability rights has been marked by significant milestone events. This blog post delves into disability history, highlighting the crucial moments that have contributed to the civil rights progress and empowerment of disabled people. Specific events are highlighted in the topic areas of integration, coalition building, and employment.

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Three Bills Currently in Congress That Have the Potential to Dramatically Improve Disabled People's Lives

Sometimes, it can seem like federal laws passed in Congress are so big and broad they don't directly impact individual citizens. In contrast, local laws can have a more direct impact. And to some extent, I think that is true. However, there are currently three bills in Congress that, if passed, have the potential to improve the lives of disabled people in significant ways.

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President Joe Biden and His Promises to Disabled People

I don't know if it is possible to write about politics without getting political— but I'm darn sure going to try. I thought it was about time to look at how the Biden Administration is doing at keeping its promises to the disabled community. Because let's face it, politicians will promise you the moon when they want your vote, but the promises can be tossed into the ash heap of history once they get into office.

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Toward Independence Report Issued: A Precursor to the ADA

Four years before the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act, a report called Toward Independence was issued by the National Council on Disability (NCD), based in Washington D.C. The Council comprises roughly a dozen council members and is led and supported by an executive director, legislative and administrative support staff.

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