Posts tagged caregiving crisis
Caregiving Series Part 3: Seeing Caregiving From the Perspective of an Elder Concierge

For the past 15 years Rachel Laws has been an Elder Concierge for her company, Living Well Services. Up until that point, her professional career was in the corporate world specializing in organizational development. She discovered, however, that she much more enjoyed helping her grandmother and a neighbor and she figured there must be a way to evolve this calling into a career.

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Caregiving Series Part 2: Living the Caregiving Crisis of Today

For the second post in my three-part series focusing on caregiving I wanted to sit down and talk with a disabled woman who is currently living through the caregiving crisis of today. Ligia Andrade-Zuniga’s life got turned upside down—literally— when 12 years ago the mini-van she was driving flipped. The accident broke her neck, leaving her a quadriplegic.

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President Joe Biden and His Promises to Disabled People

I don't know if it is possible to write about politics without getting political— but I'm darn sure going to try. I thought it was about time to look at how the Biden Administration is doing at keeping its promises to the disabled community. Because let's face it, politicians will promise you the moon when they want your vote, but the promises can be tossed into the ash heap of history once they get into office.

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