Posts tagged ableism
When Your Non-Disabled Friend Says They Don't Think of You as Disabled

We have all probably lived this ableist moment at one point in our lives. When one of our non-disabled besties says, "Yeah, ya know, I don't even think of you as disabled." Hmmm, let's unpack that for this blog post. The incident I am referring to happened when my friend and I were out shopping one afternoon, and she was driving.

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Why I Hate When People Joke with Me About Slowing Down on My Mobility Scooter

I'm 45 years old. And in these 45 blessed and amazing years of living inside this disabled body of mine, I've come to develop a pretty thick skin when out and about in the world. When you look different than other people from a very early age, as I do, you learn how not to let the stares or occasional comments slow you down, or you try not to anyway.

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The Importance of Addressing Internalized Oppression in the Disability Rights Movement

One topic that I have wanted to discuss here on the blog for a while now is internalized oppression in disabled people. I think it is a topic that does not get talked about enough in our community, for a couple of reasons. One reason is that it can be challenging and uncomfortable. The second reason is I think it is often misunderstood.

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