Posts tagged personal experience caregiving story
Caregiving Series Part 2: Living the Caregiving Crisis of Today

For the second post in my three-part series focusing on caregiving I wanted to sit down and talk with a disabled woman who is currently living through the caregiving crisis of today. Ligia Andrade-Zuniga’s life got turned upside down—literally— when 12 years ago the mini-van she was driving flipped. The accident broke her neck, leaving her a quadriplegic.

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Caregiving Series Part 1: When I Needed a Caregiver

There has been a lot of discussions lately about caregiving in this country. The conversation has centered chiefly around it being part of the 400 billion-dollar infrastructure bill. While I was glad to see a policy distinction made of caregiving as being "human infrastructure," I often find myself frustrated that the real-life details of what caregiving actually is, get lost in the conversation.

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