Posts tagged disability advocacy
The Future of Disability Advocacy and Empowering the Next Generation of Disabled Leaders

The future of the disability rights movement has both challenges and opportunities. As I look to the future, preparing the next generation of advocates becomes paramount in continuing the fight for equality and inclusion. In today’s blog post I explore why mentoring disabled youth is so important and suggestions for empowering them.

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Actionable Tips for How to Be a Supportive Disability Ally

Today’s blog post outlines several actionable tips for how to become a supportive disability ally, making a real difference in creating an inclusive world. Learning how to be a supportive ally is about educating yourself, participating in authentic dialogue with disabled people, and supporting our community in large and small ways in your own daily life.

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No Pity: Addressing the Positive Aspects of Being Disabled

The overarching narrative in society is very ableist and often portrays disability with very negative stereotypes. While the truth is, there are some challenges to being disabled, there are also positive aspects of disabled life that need, and should, be celebrated. This blog post attempts to shed light on some of these ideas.

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ADAPT: Fighting for Disability Rights in Every Battle

Ask someone who ADAPT (American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today) is, and odds are, they won't know. This lack of awareness is quite a shame. ADAPT is one of the most vital activist organizations that exist today. ADAPT is a grassroots disability rights organization with chapters in 30 states. It uses nonviolent direct action to bring attention and awareness to the lack of civil rights the disability community has.

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